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First ecological recycling plant for phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge at the site of the AWV Unteres Liesingtal

purpose of the facility
Denkgrün builds and operates a stationary plant for the treatment of municipal sewage sludge with simultaneous recovery of phosphorus and nitrogen with a total capacity of up to 2,000 t/h
Description of the plant location
Plant location: Wastewater treatment plant of the AWV Unteres Liesingtal. Murfeld 5 8770 St. Michael i. O.
Cadastral community: St. Michael in Upper Styria Total
hall area: 193 m2
Of which storage area: 60 m2
Of which treatment facility: 133 m2
Property owner: Waste water association lower Liesingtal
general description
The plant uses sewage sludge from biological wastewater treatment plants, recovering energy and raw materials such as phosphorus and nitrogen. This system is installed and operated directly at the site of the sewage treatment plant of the AWV Unteres Liesingtal. The plant capacity is up to 2,000 t/a of municipal sewage sludge with a dry matter content between 20% and 30% by mass, with the annual operating hours being approx. 8,000 h. The amount of sewage sludge that can be effectively treated depends on the proportion of organic substances, which differs for fermented and unfermented sludge.
hall description
The hall with dimensions of 15 m * 13 m * 8 m and a resulting total area of 210 m2 will be built on a concrete foundation. The steel construction consists of galvanized girders, which are clad with panels. The hall is structurally divided into two areas, the storage area and the section with the essential process engineering apparatus.

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